
FnS, B&W and dameyoru

you know, fns ni la release yg ak plg x ambk kisah...
smpai skg ak blom dgr full song, x tgk full pv lagi, x tgk making lg (leak)...just tgk gitu2..
mmg x smgt langsung!!!lol
xde wow factor la utk single kali ni...pv ok...not fantastic...mcm nk tak nak buat je -.-
and ak still x bpe suke care KT di-manage skg ni....ak x tau la ape strategi dorg tp...ntahla...

the choreos were nice...ak cume x ske part dorg pkai baju kilat2 time
main boling tu..nmpak murahan trus-trang ckp ;P...ak x mau la hipokrit
kate "this pv looks awesome" cm certain fans kannn..pdhal dlm

black & white koki.....uummm, bolehla...sbb itu mmg stail siyes koki, ak mmg x bape bkenen bile nengok ko nak menyeksi gitu...ak still prefer pierrot no time!tp itu ckp ak je...
tp no more MUW the series (LOL) or dangerous cat ke biawak ke...ak x selera la nk nengok...
even kame punye plastic tears pon ak x leh nk tgk...hahaha

that supposed-to-be nazi costume i must admit looks cool,
sbb tula jepon mmg suke costume die...or even hitler
so...ak x rase patut ambk serius sgt hal pv

tp yg mmbuatkan ak erk skit la...sbb jews punye reaction...x abis2 nak mintak simpati tgkla ape bangse die wat skg....dunia still simpati kt bangse dorg smpai ape yg dorg wat skg ni dpt sokongan si amerika and even dunia...mmg siot (lol ak emo bende len plak)tp siyes ble bace komen sorg jews ni ak rase nak muntah...)
bukannye ak sokong nazi sbb dorg bunuh phm2 la XDDDD hahahahaha (hek ak bace psl nazi time darjah 3).......ngeng...

dameyoru far so-so je...nak repeat byk2 kali dlm mase terdekat xde kot...mybe 5thn akan dtg...sbb ak x suke sgt konsep die...mcm x dirancang dgn teliti and tangkap muat je...(mmg btol pon kan???)haha

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