
random thoughts hehe

kalo ak wat personal post xde sape bace pon alahai so meh ak tulis my beberape random thoughts yg ak rase ak nk luahkan kat sini...*mata ke atas, tgn kat bahu* yg dok start nih???XDD

1. ak benci project ak...x ikhlas langsung wat -__-
2. ak nk grad tp at the same time x mo sbb akk x nmpak mase dpn ak...T______T..nak keje ape weihhh???
3. ade 2 org yg ak nak bunuh....ini serius....sbb damn you two, messing up with my final sem this year...kalo     membunuh tu halal la kan...>__>
4. damn...bullshit
5. ape nk jadik ngn artis m'sia nih...hari tu ak spend bape jam aaa bkak blog gosip artis m'sia...hahaha kwn ak nye pasal laa XDDD.....and....... -.- .ntah pape nye perkembangan la...x sehat langsung dowh
6. ......
7. bnyak sgt pengemis yg masih mmpu kekadang ak pon x smpi ati....hohohoh
8. political situation in m'sia is BULLSHIT
9. ak nympah ble org tny 'nnt nak keje ape?'....-___- ak pon jwb 'cite2 saye mse kecik nk jadik suara katun anime kt tv'....ini betul, x tipu nyer...
10. ak rindu arwah2 kucing ak yg dah mati T___________T
11. kucingggggggggg
12. knape cf2 kt sni msti nak jual mahal2?ak student la, bkan jutawan -.-
13. hieeeehhhh....taik kambing
14. ak ade beg besar gile babeng nk wat isi mayat...2 mayat...2 mayat...nasib bek dua2 kecik hahahah
15. boleh x ak bunuh sorg yg x pnah ak jumpe pon???and peminat2 die??nganganganga XDD
16. jdrama yg baru2 mkin....blehhhh.....ak rase faktor pelakon2 baru yg ntah sape2 and x reti blakon mmbuatkan ak...bluehhhh...but of coz with few exceptional
17. too many drama remake..../sigh/sigh/sigh...and korea nk wat hanakimi remake???fuck you
18. i dont get all the hype with running man???siyes...ak pon penah tgk tapi x minat pon???bohsan lagi ade hahahahahaa...sori my friend...ko silap la kalo kte even org yg dok ngutuk korean stuff tersangkut ngn RM. ;P
19. hahahaha...
20. rmainye org stalk tumblr ak...stlkers -______________-
21. dlm sehari tu ade la 2-3 org...reblog3 and then....x follow pon....pfffttttt....x ksah pon la tp mnunjukkan, sapela saye??hahaa
22. tumblr makin hilang integriti???i mean not tumblr itself but the people in it...maksud ak sjak bile org define ke-awesome-an, ke-wonderful-an seseorang tu berdasarkan ape yg die reblog, post2 die, blog appearance die or even music ape yg die pasang??WTF?
23. you dont even need to have a blog to be a fan of idols or bands dowh....what kind of mentality is that?come on....
24. ak dok kawan ngn fans jrock esp. the gazette at tumblr...more friendly and less drama rather than KT fans...ooopppppppssss...even dorg pon ade issues masing2
25. ak still x caye ak msih daydreaming psl betol impact ko kt ak ye, kamenashi???
26. kokame=> many fans and many haters too...well of coz la kan akf??
27. most kame haters are that stupid-hobo-stan #fact....perlu ke ak mention???
28. why international fans always act all high and mighty???>___>
29. stupid newbie fan complaining about the rules in gg??hahaha/facepalm...
30. hmmm.......................hhhhhhmmmmmmmm.......
31. lately, hati ak berbunge2 bile ade junnokame moments....ohhhhhh........

gay :P...ini ye gambo sbnar...
bkan yg akf dok manip tu -.- 

32. Choi seung hyun....hey you!!!
33. BB dtg tour kt m'sia....kalo kkak ak g, mmg siot arrrr.......grrr
34. ak lapo....bye~
35. ciao

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